Wednesday, November 27, 2013

So far....

How many weeks? 18 weeks
Total weight gain? 8 lbs
Measurements? No idea ...
Line? Not yet
Belly button in or out? In
Can you see your toes? Yes
Swollen feet or legs? Not yet
Maternity clothes? I have been off this week and have just had on sweat pants... but have a feeling starting Monday I may need to start using the maternity bucket of clothes my super awesome coworker let me borrow.
Sleep? Pretty normal some stomach pains but still sleeping and taking naps.
Favorite sleeping position? Eh… none.
Snoring? Nope.
What makes you uncomfortable (sitting for a long period of time, standing)? Nothing in particular. 
Gender? We were told boy at 12 weeks and girl at 16 weeks so at 22 weeks we will know a little more.
Movement? Sometimes I think I can feel the baby kick but not really sure.
Food Cravings? Not really. But I don't crave sweets at all.
Anything making you queasy? Vegetables 
Symptoms? Tired and lots of growing pains.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody? Happy as can be!
Best moment this week? Seeing my belly finally start to pop out.
Miss anything? Running, sushi, sleeping on my stomach, being able to do things for myself.
Looking forward to? Meeting baby Sullivan!
Workouts? Stair stepper, walking uphill on the treadmill and elliptical. 30 minutes of cardio 25 min of push ups and squats.
Nursery progress? We got rid of our bunk beds to empty out the nursery but other then that nothing. We have a crib and lots of baby clothes..

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