Saturday, May 3, 2014

She's here

What a crazy day! On Saturday morning I woke up and went to the gym, got my nails done took some meds and around 12 pm I began to have contractions or what I thought was bathroom pains. Around 8 pm they become consistent  pains and after talking to Stacey and her nurse friend and tracking my contractions with an app I realized they were in fact contractions. At 11 pm after an hour of timing them I woke up Tyler, I showered and we headed with everything to the hospital. One day before her due date, well one hour before. We got there at 11:30pm and I was 3 cm 90 % efaced so the nurse said we are staying and having a baby by 9am. (This time changes 3 times) At 1:45 I got the epideral and boy oh boy was I so nervous to get and it turned out to be no big deal! Thank goodness for drugs I slept through every single contraction up until I was 2 minutes apart and my doctor made me stop pushing the button for more :/. At 2:00 am they put the Cath. in and I was 3cm dilated and 100% efaced so they gave me Pitocin and then at 4:00 my water broke. I continued to sleep until my doctor came in and said let's start pushing we will have her by noon well that didn't work. My contractions were 30 second apart for 3 hours! I pushed for 2.5 and was told if we passed the 2 hour mark I would have a csection. We passed that time but I didn't want to have to go through both so after a long long time of pushing, at 2:34 pm, Kylie Sofia was born, weighing 9 lbs 13oz 22inchs. No you aren't seeing a typo she was HUGE!!!

We got to spend a little time with her about an hour and then all 20 family members got to come in and see her for 5 minutes. Then at 6 pm the nurse took her because she was breathing heavy and she ended up in the nicu till late Tuesday night. Our doctor extended our stay so we wouldn't leave without her (thank goodness bc I am not sure I could have left her) and she got to come home with us after various tests and a couple tears, Tuesday, April 30th at 8:45.

My world has changed forever and I never imagined how happy and how much love I could have for such a little thing.

Say hello to Kylie Sofia

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