Saturday, August 15, 2015


Two and a half years after buying our house, it's time for some remodeling!! 

So here goes our upgrade updates...

First was creating a game room. We never used our formal dinning room/office so we moved the computer desk upstairs and trashed some old ikea furniture and moved most of Her toys into this room. 

That is what it looks like now. ( I will add more updates as we go)

reading corner:  
I bought the ikea spice racks and painted them a sea green color. Love this color.
Then we used screwed them into the wall and created a reading corner for her. (More pictures to come)

magnetic board:
Bought a oil drip pan from Walmart $11 pink spray paint $4 and medium command strips $3. 

First I cleaned the pan. Then I spray painted it. Front and back. 
Hung it up following the command hook instructions and 30 minutes later ....
I have a super cheap magnetic board in the gameroom. This project took me  2 hours including dry time and waiting for the command hooks to be done. And cost less than $20.

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